Signals, Flares, Noise Flashes and Other Products
MK124 Smoke and Illumination Signal
This signal consists of an aluminum case with protective caps on each end. The case has two raised beads around the circumference for positive flare identification during night use. The case contains four sub-assemblies: smoke candle, smoke igniter, flare candle, and flare igniter. The igniter consists of an arming lever that must be extended before functioning and a mechanism that cocks and then releases the firing pin.
Signal Smoke Ground
Parachute smoke signals consist of a parachute suspended smoke composition element and a rocket motor propulsion assembly enclosed in a hand-held aluminum launching tube. The base of the tube contains a primer and an initiating charge. As shipped. the firing pin cap is assembled to the forward end and must he reversed for firing. Stabilizing fins on the rocket are folded parallel to the axis of the signal. An assembly bolt which also transfers the initiating charge flash to the propellant extends into the center of’ the solid propellant filling the propulsion assembly. The parachute with suspension cord is packed on top of the smoke charge, and the tube end is sealed with a rocket barrel seal. A label specifying the firing procedure is affixed to the body of the signal. The principal difference is the color of smoke.
M49-A1 Surface Trip Flare
M49-A1 Surface Trip Flare is used for illuminating encampment perimeters or as a booby trap signal. The flare may be fired by releasing the trigger or by removing a pull pin. If a tripwire is used, cutting or breaking the tripwire will also fire the unit. Upon activation the M49-A1 burns for a minimum of 55 seconds with an average luminosity of 35,000 candlepower.
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